Punctuality Rules!

Writer’s Break

Well, I sat down at my keyboard today and blew the virtual dust off of my current manuscript. The time-stamp on the document is 10/22/2010 12:24 PM, which means it’s been seven weeks since I opened it. Seven weeks. I’m stunned, too. Every year I flirt with the idea of…


Okay, here’s a wonderful example of great marketing. This box from SitStay.com arrived at our house today. They have the BEST shipping material. Really. Check out what it says on the top: “WARNING: For your own sake, please do not stand between this box and your dog. Dogs have been…

I YA, Do You?

I just read this quote on an Amazon book review: “Although the point of view shifts between many characters (with even the Coleman’s maid and cook getting their say, sometimes unnecessarily), Falling Angels is essentially the children’s story, since it is their lives that are most open to change. ”…

Truly Obnoxious Spam

Spammers, this is NOT the way to win my attention. I think we can all agree that spammers are, well, annoying–like telemarketers used to be. They clutter up your comments and email with links for products and sites that usually have nothing to do with what you’re blogging about. To…