Punctuality Rules!


Research or Background: Part 3

I’ve been talking about the difference between gathering information for specific reasons or for general information, because sometimes you need to know specific things and sometimes you just want a big, general overview. Digging into archives to dig out a specific name, a particular fact can be satisfying. Like a…

What About Those Deadlines?

How do you feel about deadlines? Personally, I’ve never been a fan. Not of tight deadlines, at least. The thought of being a journalist working on a 24-hour cycle of researching and writing stories gives me nightmares. Even when I was in school, I’d write down the due-date for papers…

The Eggs of Oppression

I was reading a book the other day … a highly educated, informative tome with dozens of pages of footnotes and an index as long as your arm. It was written, needless to say, by a well-educated person, published by a well-known publishing house and, no doubt, read over by…

Reader, Not a Writer

Okay, not really. I’m exaggerating. I AM a writer. I enjoy it, I’m good at it, I even make some money from it, in the perfect blend of vocation, hobby, and inclination. I’m the first one to admit that the joy of easily flowing words is incomparable. That blissful state…

Old Writing

I’ve recently turned my attention to an old manuscript of mine. It’s been sitting on the hard-drive of the last several computers I’ve had, minding its own business, being patient. It’s the first novel I ever wrote, and while I sent it out numerous times, I wasn’t able to find…

Who Are You Talking To?

In case you’ve forgotten, here’s one of the cardinal rules of writing: Don’t Forget Your Audience. This should be obvious. If you’re writing for children, there will be language or graphic scenes that you don’t need to detail. If you’re writing romance novels, on the other hand, you can go…

Page-A-Day Challenge

As instructed as part of Weronika’s Page-A-Day Challenge, I’m setting up one post to track my progress. My “victim” for this challenge is an old manuscript I’m resurrecting. If you don’t already know, I’ve got three novels written. My first, “After Happily Ever,” was finished back in the mid-1990s and…

Reading is Hard

I spent some time with one of my friends and her 6-year old twins recently. They came to visit with a big pile of first-level reading books, and we adults had a chance to help them over the hard parts. I don’t know about you, but I remember learning to…

Highlights from 2009

Here, in case you missed them, are some of my favorite posts from the year: Pulse Warmers: What little things help you through your day? Loot and Plunder: Do you follow through? Or do you leave people feeling like they’ve been pillaged? Let the Yeast Do the Work: Because writing…


Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Because, hey, even if you don’t celebrate December 25th as a holiday, you might at least be lucky enough to have it off from work, or be taking at least a few hours off to hang out with the family. And even if you…

Back to Essentials

Joanna wants to know which post of 2009 I would consider essential? As in, showing the very essence of my blog, as well as being essential to my readers? Man, I hate making decisions. I can almost never state that any one thing is my favorite. I can pick favorite…