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Writing Makes Everything Possible

Writing Makes Everything Possible

So, Joanna wants to know how writing makes things possible?

Well, duh, Joanna.  What DOESN”T it make possible? (grin)

Writing makes everything possible.

For example:

    Writing down instructions on how to build things.
    Writing down instructions how to do things.
    Writing down lessons for children so they can learn.
    Writing down ideas for children so they can think.
    Writing down the hard lessons for adults.
    Writing down advice to make those lessons easier.
    Writing down wisdom from generation to generation.
    Writing down stories to inform.
    Writing down stories to entertain.
    Writing down stories to escape.
    Writing down history so it won’t be forgotten.
    Writing down possibilities so they can be met.
    Writing down dreams so we have something to aim for.
    Writing down anything we can imagine so we forget our limitations.
    Writing down our hopes so that we don’t let our disappointments tie us down.
    Writing down our wishes so that we know exactly what we are trying to accomplish.

Writing–just the mere act of putting words on paper–shapes the possibilities of our lives. Things we’ve learned. Things we want to share. Things we want to pass on to other people and other generations. Ideas. Philosophies. Poems. Emotions. Stories. Drama. Comedy. History.

If there was no language, we’d barely be able to communicate at all–certainly not the grand, huge, bigger-than-life things that make exploring life at all worthwhile.

But, if there were no writing, how would we share these Ideas between generations? Would the world still know that Galileo proved the Earth circled the sun? Would we still know about Socrates? Plato? Aristotle? Would Americans remember the ideals the founding fathers fought for in 1776? Would the Magna Carta be as bold an example of democracy? Would we even have democracy in any form? Would there be art? Would there be any point to anything other than mere survival? Would we have gone to the moon? Explored the world’s oceans? Been able to build a ship in the first place?

Writing–the mere act of putting words on paper–makes everything possible.

Amen and Hallelujah.

14 thoughts on “Writing Makes Everything Possible

  1. Joanna Young

    Wow, –Deb, what an astonishing post. You have captured so beautifully the power of writing.

    I love these two in particular:

    Writing down anything we can imagine so we forget our limitations.

    Writing down our hopes so that we don’t let our disappointments tie us down.

    They make my heart soar.

    .-= Joanna Young´s last blog ..How Does Writing Help to Make Things Possible? =-.

  2. --Deb

    @Joanna–I’m glad you liked it. Frankly, I’m surprised you had to ask the question at all … oh, wait, you probably meant it as a rhetorical question, didn’t you?

    @Brad–That would be an interesting story, wouldn’t it?
    .-= –Deb´s last blog ..Writing Makes Everything Possible =-.

  3. --Deb Post author

    I like to think that writing dragged us out of the caves way back when–we needed better light!

  4. Mary Brown

    Beautifully written.
    I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t write. I make lists: Things to do, things to buy, things I’m thankful for. Sometimes I have to write down what’s on my mind so I can sleep.
    How about songs? Some songs don’t need words, but many do.

  5. --Deb Post author

    Mary, it’s true–Song lyrics, to help the music express itself.

    Did you see “Music and Lyrics”? There’s a conversation between the lyricist and musician. She tells him that the music is like foreplay–it attracts attention, generates heat–but the words are the story. What makes it worthwhile. Love that.

  6. Pingback: What Writing Makes Possible | Confident Writing

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