Punctuality Rules!

Premio Dardos

Premio Dardos

premiodardosaward-703924Well, thanks Lillie! Lillie Ammann gave me a Premio Dardos Award.

To quote, “Premio Dardos means ‘prize darts’ in Italian. It is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing.”

The rules are to (1) accept the award by posting it on my blog with thanks to the person who gave it to me, and (2) pass it on to 15 other bloggers, along with a comment to let them know.

So, first, I graciously accept. How very nice of her!

Secondly, well, fifteen people are a lot of people, but I think I can manage. Some will have already be nominated, I’m sure. (In fact I am sure, because a couple were already on Lillie’s list.) But does that really matter?

So … cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted via creative and original writing. Let’s see!

Alphabetically… (and not including Lillie who WOULD have been on the list):

(And, would it be weird to list my Mom’s blog, too? Just because, well, it’s Mom’s and it’s about one of my favorite places? Joan Boyken, MV Obsession.)

11 thoughts on “Premio Dardos

  1. J

    Wow, thanks Deb! I’m flattered. 15 people is a lot. I’m going to have to do some thinking.

    I was thinking of you while reading “The Elegance of the Hedgehog”, by Muriel Barbery. You might enjoy it. The part that made me think of you is a character who physically winces when hearing very bad grammar. 🙂

    I love that your mom has a blog. My mom had a blog as well, and while I always thought I knew her well, reading her blog gave me a peek into her inner world that I had previously missed. Loved that.

    J’s last blog post..My First Bike

  2. tammy

    Thank you! I am totally honored to be in among such a great bunch of people! That’s very, very sweet of you!

    Ethical and Personal Values… geez, if word of this gets out, I’ma lose my membership in the crusty old curmudgeon club.

    tammy’s last blog post..attack of the baby ninja

  3. Rosa Say for Joyful Jubilant Learning

    Mahalo nui Deb. Serving as the managing editor of JJL for all the wonderful writers who contribute is such a privilege for me – and it’s fun! Getting an award to boot is that icing on the cake (and extra swing in my hula step!) Thank you for your recognition to the now 50+ who have written for JJL and learned with us.

    Rosa Say for Joyful Jubilant Learning’s last blog post..A Little Love Story

  4. Pingback: Premio Dardos with a Community Twist | Confident Writing