Punctuality Rules!

How to Get Back to Writing

How to Get Back to Writing


I have a problem.

We moved two weeks ago.

That might not seem insurmountable to you, but this is the first time (not counting dorm rooms in college) that I’ve moved in 34 years, and I think my system is still in shock.

I knew, of course, that the first week or so would be, well, impossible for me to concentrate on writing anything (not to mention finding the computer). Tweets, sure. 140 characters I could manage. I found the energy to blog about the actual move (18 and a half hours!) over at my other blog.

But … writing? Real writing?

I haven’t been able to summon the energy.

Not the physical energy, so much, as the mental energy. The emotional wherewithal to plumb words to throw at the keyboard.

These last two weeks, I’ve been, well, nesting. It’s the only way I can describe it. I’ve been unpacking and arranging things; organizing; setting up. I’ve been spending time in the kitchen, cooking up rich-smelling delicacies like homemade tomato sauce, vegetable soup, and cakes. I’ve even been sitting at my spinning wheel, twirling lengths of wool roving into bobbins of yarn–being more productive there than I have been in months.

But anything remotely work-like? Productive in a commercial way? I can’t quite summon up the energy.

This is a real problem. (Not least of which because that 18-hour move cost well more than the original estimate so money is, if possible, even tighter.)

So, folks, give me some advice. What do I need to do to get my groove back? How do I find the mental focus to do marketing and promote myself and my business when all I really want to do is curl up with my dog and a good book (and some homemade goodies) until things start feeling normal again?

7 thoughts on “How to Get Back to Writing

  1. Kelvin Kao

    They say that moving and relocating is one of the most stressful thing you can do. Well, I’d suggest tackling it corner by corner. Don’t attempt to get everything done. Just unpack and set up the office area if you want to write. Set up the beds if you want to sleep. Set up the kitchen if you want to cook. Do it little by little (says the person who moved in a year ago and still has unpacked boxes).
    .-= Kelvin Kao´s last blog ..Puppetry Classes =-.

  2. Liora Hess

    I periodically question what I feel like doing with my writing. I recently burned out on the freelance writing (I was feeling more like a reporter, which does not appeal to me) and have been enjoying the freedom of writing several nonfiction ebooks. I might try my hand at fiction soon. There’s nothing wrong with playing and seeing what directions it could lead.

    As for the moving, just set a daily goal to unpack 3 boxes or whatever you can. You really could live out of boxes for a long time so there’s no reason to put all effort to that. Do a bit but try to reclaim the balance in your life in general (not just with writing). I think that by doing these things, your writing passion will rekindle itself.

  3. George Angus


    I think you need to find that book and curl up as long as you need. Your muse will come back and if you try and force it, your writing will sound forced and you won’t have a very good time.

    Moving after such a long period is way traumatic (I can’t even imagine) so take this well deserved time to charge the ol’ batteries!



  4. --Deb

    So far as the moving goes, the worst is over. Almost all the boxes are unpacked and things are at least stashed on shelves or in furniture where they belong, waiting for more aesthetic organization later on. I just obviously still feel uncentered, or something. Every time I sit in front of my computer, I end up doing little more than reading blogs, watching videos … nothing terribly productive. I’m telling myself this is my comfort zone/settling in period and that it won’t hurt anything … for a week or so, anyway!
    .-= –Deb´s last blog ..How to Get Back to Writing =-.

  5. Pingback: Back to Basics

  6. Pingback: Chappysmom » Feels Like Normal

  7. Mary Brown

    Give yourself a realistic deadline to goof off until and enjoy it to the max.
    It sounds a lot like creative avoidance mode to me. I’m real good at that, too.
    A pertinent quote:
    There’s only one person who needs a glass of water oftener than a small child tucked in for the night, and that’s a writer sitting down to write. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic’s Notebook, 1966

    The one I was looking for was about only writing when inspired, but planning to be inspired from 9-5 every day. I didn’t find it and don’t remember who said it.

    Evidently you’re getting back into it. This isn’t the last post here, so congratulations on getting back on track! You don’t need my helpful comments, and I need to do what I’m creatively avoiding…