Punctuality Rules!

Proof-Reading: A Favorite Theme

Proof-Reading: A Favorite Theme

It’s a favorite theme, stressing the importance of proof-reading, and here’s another example:


See this paper towel? All covered with kitchen-related words, all connected to cooking?

Do you see something wrong?

Look closer.


Granted, the word “beet” describes a root vegetable that is often found in kitchens, but when it’s surrounded by words like season, roast, cut, and mash–with nary another food mentioned–you can be pretty sure that the paper towel company meant to say “beAt,” huh?

7 thoughts on “Proof-Reading: A Favorite Theme

  1. Pingback: Irony

  2. --Deb Post author

    Thank heaven we finally finished that roll of towels–it’s been bugging Mom and me for days!