Punctuality Rules!

Shiny New

Shiny New

j03848101So, now that the year is all new and shiny, what are you doing?

This isn’t going to be one of those “New Year’s Resolutions” lists. I figure you pretty much know the things you should be doing–exercising more, eating better, following up on leads, spending more time with the kids. All that, you know already.

But what might you have forgotten?

Do you have a copyright date on your blog/website? (If not, you should.) But now, don’t forget to update it to include 2009.

Okay, maybe this one is obvious, but it doesn’t hurt to take a few minutes to clear out some of the dreck and get the decks clear and ready for action.

Don’t forget your marketing pieces and documentation. Make sure any dates stated are this year, not last year. And while you’re looking at them, take a moment to punch them up.

Stock Up.
It couldn’t hurt to take a trip to an office-supply store and make sure you’ve got all the envelopes, pens, paper clips, post-its, scotch tape, and so on that you need. The kinds of things that you run out of before you realize you’re running low.

Back Up!
If you haven’t backed up your computer, your website, your emails, your favorite places, your photos, your MP3 library, and every, last thing you’ve got on your computer, do it NOW. (Really, though, this is something you should be doing at least once a week, and if you’re not, why aren’t you?)

What other things should you do at the start of the year?

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