Punctuality Rules!


Just for comparison’s sake. The old design (click for bigger): The new design. (Well, obviously, this is what you’re LOOKING at, but I figure this makes for good record-keeping for any future changes I might make, so…) A friend and I were just chatting about how much more “open” the…

Be Thankful

Be Thankful for the Writers who inspire you. Be Thankful for the Readers who make it all worth while. Be Thankful for the Computer which connects you. Be Thankful for the Pen which lets your thoughts out. Be Thankful for the Journal which keeps your thoughts private. Be Thankful for…


Hmm … you know you’ve been writing too long when a headline that reads, “Cougar Attacks Teen Girl Who Got into its Pen” makes you wonder, Why did the cougar have a pen? And what was it writing? And who was it writing to?

If a Writer Writes in a Forest…

So–there are lots of reasons to write. We’ve discussed this–there’s the whole, making-a-living thing. There’s the helping-yourself-think thing. There’s the I-have-no-choice thing. Right. We get that. But then there are writers who write because they want to, they’re driven, they’re inspired. So inspired, perhaps, that they try to write an…

Ooh, Shiny!

So, Joanna wants all of us to Shine and live up to our fabulous potential. (Because, you DO know that we all have fabulous potential, don’t you? The rest of this post will be fairly pointless if you don’t believe that, in which case, why don’t you go sit over…